TRVS will use Gather for poster sessions and all interactive events.
It might take a little “getting used to” in order to benefit from all of the content we have put together to make TRVS 2021 as exciting as possible.
Follow the steps below to get started!
Gather really only supports Chrome fully, so please do not try to use another browser. You can copy the link below and paste it into Chrome.
Step Two: Go to the Gather site
This is the link:
There is a password to join the Gather space that was sent to all registered users in an email.
You can choose a name for yourself (preferably your real name so other attendees will recognize you. You can also customize your icon’s appearance.
You will also be able to enable your video and audio, and you may need to grant access using your computer’s security settings.
Step Three: Try the Tutorial
When you first enter the Gather space, you will be in a tutorial, if you are familiar with Gather, you can skip the tutorial, otherwise, it only takes a minute and shows you most of the key interaction features.
Step Four: Enter TRVS!
Head straight through the door under the huge TRVS sign and explore the extensive space we have created!
We’ll see you inside!
Short video about interacting in the poster sessions
Brief video about how screen sharing looks in Gather